Welcome to the UHS Office of Wellness and Health Promotion.
UHS Wellness has suspended in-person events in line with university policies and guidance regarding COVID-19. Please contact uhswellness@jhu.edu with any questions, requests or concerns. For a weekly email with updates on well-being, including virtual resources and support during this time, subscribe to our listserv.
and Other
UHS Wellness serves students, post-doctoral fellows, house staff and other trainees within the School of Medicine, Bloomberg School of Public Health, School of Nursing, and the Berman Institute. While you are learning and training here at the Johns Hopkins East Baltimore campus, our mission is to enrich your experience, help you thrive professionally and personally, and promote an environment that supports your health and well-being.
Please stay tuned for updates by subscribing to our listserv , following us on Facebook , and checking out our calendar of East Baltimore wellness-related events open to all students and trainees. To contact us with any comments, ideas, recommendations or questions, please email us at uhswellness@jhu.edu.
To learn about your primary care and mental health benefits through UHS, or to make an appointment to see a health care provider, please visit the UHS home page .


Mental Wellness





University Health Services - Mental Health: 410-955-1892
Student Assistance Program / Faculty and Staff Assistance Program: 443-287-7000
Johns Hopkins East Baltimore Campus Security: 410-955-5585
JHU Sexual Assault Helpline and Support: 410-516-7333