Wellness Resources

Physical Wellness

Taking care of our bodies through physical activity, good nutrition, adequate sleep, and regular preventive care appointments is critical for optimal functioning and overall health. Making even modest changes to these habits can have major effects on your functioning and help you feel your best.

Physical Wellness Resources

Emotional and Mental Wellness

This component of wellness includes attention to one's mental health, resiliency, self-care behaviors, and ability to deal with positive and negative emotions. It also refers to finding meaning and purpose in living a balanced life aligned with one's values. When your mental and emotional well-being is nurtured, you can enjoy life despite stresses, disappointments and frustrations, as well as learn and grow from your experiences.

Emotional and Mental Wellness Resources

Social Wellness

Social Wellness involves cultivating relationships and a social support network made up of friends, family, and colleagues. This aspect of your wellbeing focuses on whether your relationships (whether professional, social, familial, or romantic) are positive, supportive, nurturing and healthy. Social wellness supports the development of fulfilling connections with others and emotional resilience in challenging times.

Social Wellness Resources

Sexual Wellness

Sexual wellness is influenced by a person’s physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality. This involves a positive approach to having safe and pleasurable sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination, and violence. The sexual rights of all persons must also be respected, protected and fulfilled.

Sexual Wellness Resources

Spiritual Wellness

The spiritual dimension of health refers to the need for meaning, purpose and fulfillment in life. It involves feeling connected to something greater than oneself. This may be expressed by participating in religious activities, living by a formalized code of conduct, being part of a community, working to save the environment, helping to feed the needy or being committed to world peace.

Spiritual Wellness Resources

Financial Wellness

Financial literacy can enable you to make sound decisions on personal budgets and minimize financial stressors. Developing financial wellness involves learning how to effectively manage personal expenses and your own individual situation to support financial responsibility and independence now and in the future.

Financial Wellness Resources

Professional Wellness

Finding stimulation and fulfillment in your academic and career endeavors is important for your overall well-being. Professional wellness includes developing skills and knowledge through academic, cultural, community, and personal activities. While this does not mean that every moment at work or school will be blissful, finding satisfaction and meaning in your work will help foster content and a sense of pride.

Professional Wellness Resources